
Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, Biopolicy: The Life Sciences and Public Policy (Bingley, UK: Emerald Books, 2012).

Robert Blank and Viola Burau, Comparative Health Policy, 3nd Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Press, 2010.

Robert Blank, Samuel Hines, Odelia Funke, Joseph Losco and Patrick Stewart, Politics and the Life Sciences: The State of the Discipline. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Group, in press.

Ellen Kuhlmann, Robert Blank, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, and Claus Wendt, eds. The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015.

Robert Blank and Viola Burau, Comparative Health Policy, 4th Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Press, 2013.

Robert Blank, Intervention in the Brain: Politics, Policy and Ethics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013.

Peter Corning, The Fair Society: The Science of Human Nature and the Pursuit of Social Justice (University of Chicago Press, February 2011)

Lee Ellis et al., Sex Differences.

Amy Fletcher. (2014). Mendel's Ark: Biotechnology and the Future of Extinction. Springer.

Victoria Kayser. Inclusion et intégration scolaire. Recension : Les enfants victimes des conflits armés en Afrique. 2010.

Allan Mazur. Biosociology of Dominance and Deference

Allan Mazur. Implausible Beliefs in the Bible, Astrology, and UFOs

Allan Mazur, The Female Nude in Western Art: A Biosocial Interpretation

George Modelski. "Evolutionary World Politics"

David Prindle, THE POLITICS OF EVOLUTION will be published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis this March (2015).

Gad Saad (Ed.) (2011). Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences. Springer: Heidelberg, Germany.

Gad Saad (2011). The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.

Shultziner, Doron. 2010. Struggling for Recognition: The Psychological Impetus for Democratic Progress. New York: Continuum Press. (to be printed on November 11, 2010).

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, The Failure of Democratic Nation Building. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010.

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson (eds.), Biology and Politics: The Cutting Edge. London: Emerald Publishing, 2011.

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson (eds.), Biopolicy: The Life Sciences and Public Policy. London: Emerald Publishing, 2012.

Steven A. Peterson and Albert Somit (eds.). The World of Biology and Politics: Organization and Research Areas. London: Emerald Publishing, 2013.

Sven Steinmo, The Evolution of Modern States: Sweden, Japan and the United States Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen, Intelligence. A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences (London: Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2012). The book is available at least from the publisher: Huw Gruffydd, Ulster Institute for Social Research, 117 Purves Road, London NW10 5th, United Kingdom.

Tatu Vanhanen, Ethnic Conflicts: Their Biological Roots in Ethnic Nepotism (London: Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2012). The book is available from the publisher mentioned above.

TatuVanhanen, Miksi Kiina lähtee lentoon ja Kongo Ei? (= Why China starts to fly and Congo not?). (East-West Books Helsinki, 2013). The book is available from some bookshops and from the publisher, <>.

Tatu Vanhanen, Global Inequality as a Consequence of Human Diversity. A New Theory Tested by Empirical Evidence (London: Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2014). The book is available at least from the publisher Huw Gruffydd.

My latest book is a Russian translation of my Ethnic Conflicts book. It was published in Moscow in November 2014. I do not know how to write the Russian title of the book. It is available at least from the Russian publisher Vladimir Avdeyev (e-mail: <>.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Items from Robert Blank:


“End-of-Life Decision Making Across Cultures.” Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (2): 201-214, 2011.

“Biopolicy after Three Decades: A Success or Not a Success?” Politics and the Life Sciences 30 (1): 52-55, 2011.

“Transformation of the US Health Care System: Why Is Change So Difficult?” Current Sociology 60 (4): 415-426, 2012. (Most accessed article of all Sage journals September 2012).

“The World Health Report 2008: Primary Health Care: How Wide is the Gap between its Agenda and Implementation in 12 High-income Health Systems?” Robin Gauld, Robert Blank, Jako Burgers et al. Healthcare Policy, 7 (3): 38-58, 2012.

“Medication Supply, Healthcare Outcomes and Healthcare Expenses: Longitudinal Analyses of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension.” Chi-Chen Chen, Robert Blank, Shou-Hsia Cheng. Health Policy 2014: 374-381.

Book Chapters

“Fetal Research.” Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, 2nd ed., ed. by Ruth Chadwick et al. London: Elsevier, 2011, pp. 304-313.

“Comparing Health Policy: An Assessment of Typologies of Health Systems.” (with Viola Burau). Reforming Heathcare Systems, ed. by Theodore R. Marmor and Claus Wendt. London: Edward Elgar, 2011, pp. 123-136.

“The Brain Sciences and Politics: Some Linkages.” Biology and Politics: The Cutting Edge, ed. by Steven Peterson and Al Somit. New York: Emerald Press, 2011, pp. 205-230.

“The Brain and Public Policy.” Biopolicy: The Life Sciences and Public Policy, ed. by Steven Peterson and Al Somit. New York: Emerald Press, 2012, pp. 43-70.

“Success or Failure? A Critical but Optimistic Evaluation of Biopolitics.” (with Michael Bang Petersen). Biology and Politics, ed. by Steven Peterson and Al Somit. New York: Emerald Press, 2013, pp. 199-216.

“Genethics.” Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering, 2nd Edition (ESTE-2). New York: Macmillan (2014).

“Fetal Research.” Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering, 2nd Edition (ESTE-2). New York: Macmillan (2014).

“Regulating Cognitive Enhancement Technologies: Policy Options and Problems.” Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives, ed. by Veljko.Dubljevic and Fabrice Jotterand. New York: Oxford University Press (2015).

Peter A. Corning, “The Re-Emergence of Emergence, and the Causal Role of Synergy in Emergent Evolution” Synthese, Fall 2010.

Peter A. Corning, “Synergy Goes to War: A Bioeconomic Theory of Collective Violence” Journal of Bioeconomics 9(2): 109-144, 2007.

And the following listing from Peter Corning, too:

“The Re-Emergence of Emergence, and the Causal Role of Synergy in Emergent Evolution” Synthese, (Fall 2010). Online at

“The Synergism Hypothesis: Thirty Years Later,” (2011). Politics and the Life Sciences, 30(1): 61-64.

“The Cooperative Gene: Evolution, Human Nature, and Politics,” (2012). In Biopolicy: The Life Sciences in Public Policy (Research in Biopolitics, Vol. 10), Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson eds., pp. 13-42. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group.

“The Fair Society: It’s Time to Re-Write the Social Contract,” (2012). Seattle Journal for Social Justice, 11(1): 191-216.

“Rotating the Necker Cube: A Bioeconomic Approach to Cooperation and the Causal Role of Synergy in Evolution,” (2013). Journal of Bioeconomics, 15: 171-193. DOI: 10.1007/s10818-012-9142-4.

“Evolution on Purpose: How Behaviour Has Shaped the Evolutionary Process,” (2013). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 112: 242-260. DOI: 10.1111/bij.12061.

“Systems Theory and the Role of Synergy in the Evolution of Living Systems,” (2013). Systems Research and Behavioral Science, DOI: 10.1002/sres2191.

“Emergence in Evolution and the Causal Role of Synergy,” (2014). In Synergie: Wissensgeschichte einer Denkfigur, Tatjana Petzer and Stephan Steiner, eds., (in press) Paderborn, Germany: Fink.

“The Science of Human Nature and the Social Contract,” (2014). Cosmos and History, (in press).

_, and Eörs Szathmáry, “’Synergistic Selection’: A Darwinian Frame for the Evolution of Complexity,” (2014). (submitted).

Lee Ellis (2011-2013 articles)

2013 Religiosity and fear of death: A three-nation comparison. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 16, 179-199.

Delinquency, androgens, and the family: A test of evolutionary neuroandrogenic theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

Religiosity and fear of death: A theory oriented review of the empirical literature. Review of Religious Research, 55, 149-189.

2012 Gender, sexual orientation, and occupational interests: Evidence of androgen influences. Mankind Quarterly, 53, 36-80.

Maternal smoking during pregnancy and self-reported delinquency by offspring. Criminal Behavior and Mental Health, 22, 325-335.

Gender, sexual orientation, and occupational interests: Evidence of their interrelatedness. Personality and Individual Differences, 53, 64-69.

Gendered shopping: A seven-country comparison. Mankind Quarterly, 52, 336-357.

2011 Taxi drivers, cashiers, and restaurant servers: A cross-cultural study of gender differences. Mankind Quarterly, 52, 90-99.

Sex differences in mass media preferences across four Asian countries. Journal of Media Psychology, 23, 186-191.

Identifying and explaining apparent universal sex differences in cognition and behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 552-561.

Sex difference in smiling and other photographic traits: A theoretical assessment. Journal of Biosocial Science, 43, 345-351.

Evolutionary neuroandrogenic theory and universal gender differences in cognition and behavior. Sex Roles, 64, 707-722.

Race and advertising: Ethnocentrism or “real” differences in physical attractive-ness? Indirect evidence from China, Malaysia, and the United States. Mankind Quarterly, 51, 471-489.

Amy Fletcher, Genuine fakes: Cloning extinct species as science and spectacle. Politics and the Life Sciences, 29 (2010), 48-60.

Robert Gilbert

(1) "The Impact of Illness on the Administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Politics and The Life Sciences, Spring/Fall, 2012, pp. 16-35;

(2) "Psychological Dysfunction and Great Achievements: The Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson," Politics, Culture and Socialization, Spring, 2011, pp. 5-27;

(3) Book chapter: "Attempted Assassination and Presidential Achievement: The Case of Ronald Reagan, in The World of Biology and Politics: Organization and Research Areas, Steven A. Peterson and Albert Somit, eds., London, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing, 2013, pp. 157-179.

Rebecca C. Harris. 2011. “Gatekeeping” in Leadership in Science and Technology: A Reference Handbook. Sage Publications, Inc.

Myron J. Coplan, Steven C. Patch, Roger D. Masters, Marcia S. Bachman, “Confirmation of and Explanations for Elevated Blood Lead and Other Disorders in Children Exposed to Water Disinfection and Fluoridation Chemicals,” Neurotoxicology (September, 2007), 38: 1032-1041.

Masters, Roger D. “Historical Change and Evolutionary Theory: From Hunter-Gateherer Bands to States and Empires,” Politics and the Life Sciences, (2008), 26, 66-93.

Masters, Roger D. "Cost and Effectiveness in American Health Care," Special Article, International Journal of Health Science (July-Sept. 2009), II, 221-226.

Masters, Roger D. “Comment: Why the perspective of Plato and Aristotle is more relevant today than the model of a ‘biosocial state of nature’ in Alex Schulman’s ‘Evolution’s republic’,” Social Science Information (December 2014), 53: 542-544.

Murray, Gregg R. 2014. "Evolutionary Preferences for Physical Formidability in Leaders." Politics and the Life Sciences 33(1): 25-46. The link is:

Murray Gregg R., and J. David Schmitz. 2011. "Caveman Politics: Evolutionary Leadership Preferences and Stature." Social Science Quarterly 92(5): 1215-1235.

Murray, Gregg R., and Susan M. Murray. 2011. "Caveman Executive Leadership: Evolved Leadership Preferences and Biological Sex." In Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences, Gad Saad (ed.), pp. 135-163, Springer.

Doron Shultziner, Thomas Stevens, Martin Stevens, Brian Stewart, Rebecca J. Hannagan, and Giulia Slatini-Semerari. 2010. The Causes and Scope of Political Egalitarianism during the Last Glacial: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective. Biology & Philosophy 25(3): 319-346.

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, “Biology and Political Science.” In George T. Kurian (ed.), Encyclopedia of Political Science (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2010).

Steven A. Peterson, “A Founder’s Reflections,” Politics and the Life Sciences, 30 (2011), 91-94.

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, “Biology and Politics.” In Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011).

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, “Introduction.” In Steven A. Peterson and Albert Somit (eds.), Biology and Politics: The Cutting Edge (London: Emerald Publishing, 2011).

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, “Biopolicy: A Critical Linkage.” In Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson (eds.), Biopolicy: The Life Sciences and Public Policy (London: Emerald Publishing, 2012).

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, “Biology and Politics: An Introduction.” In Steven A. Peterson and Albert Somit (eds.). The World of Biology and Politics: Organization and Research Areas. London: Emerald Publishing, 2013.

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, “International Political Science Association’s Research Committee # 12.” Steven A. Peterson and Albert Somit (eds.). The World of Biology and Politics: Organization and Research Areas. London: Emerald Publishing, 2013.

Steven A. Peterson, “Toward an Evolutionary Synthesis of Individualist and Communist Anarchism: The Evolutionary Bases of Cooperation.” Steven A. Peterson and Albert Somit (eds.). The World of Biology and Politics: Organization and Research Areas. London: Emerald Publishing, 2013.

Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, “The Biopolitics of Evolutionary Theory and Biopolitics in the Future.” Steven A. Peterson and Albert Somit (eds.). The World of Biology and Politics: Organization and Research Areas. London: Emerald Publishing, 2013.

Bonnie Stabile, “State Infertility Insurance Law Indicators,” World Medical & Health Policy, Volume 2, Number 3, Article 2 (2010):

Bonnie Stabile, “Stem Cells, Cloning and Political liberalism,” World Medical & Health Policy, Volume 2, Number 1, Article 17 (2010):

Tatu Vanhanen, "Evolutiivinen selitys kansainvälisille kehityseroille" (Evolutionary explanation for global inequalities in human conditions). Politiikka, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2010, pp. 93-104.

Tatu Vanhanen, ”National IQs and their Demographic Correlates,” in Helmuth Nyborg (ed.), Race and Sex Differences in Intelligence and Personality. A Tribute to Richard Lynn at 80, London: Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2013, pp. 91-107.

Tatu Vanhanen, ”Evolution, IQ, and Wealth,” in Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson (eds), Biopolicy: the Life Siences and Public Policy. Research in Biopolicy. Volume 10. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishng Limited, 2012, pp. 71-95.

Tatu Vanhanen, ”Ethnic Nepotism as a Cross-Cultural Background Factor of Ethnic Conflicts,” Open Journal of Political Science, 2014, 4, 143-155